Tuesday 3 March 2015


A carrot and wakame salad. Happily, carrots have been prolific in the garden this year and so have appeared in salads and all sorts of other dishes. This is a simple salad. Carrot and wakame make a very good combination. Reconstitute the dried wakame with boiling water. Let it sit for half an hour. Cool and wash under cold running water. Then combine with grated carrot and finely cut carrot tops. That is, use the whole carrot, tops and all. Use a combination of sesame oil and brown rice vinegar as a dressing, or some other suitable dressing, and top with a good sprinkling of gemasio, i.e. roasted sesame seeds ground together with sea salt.

Wakame is commonly referred to as sea lettuce. It is one of my favourite seaweeds. It is an excellent basis for summer salads.

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