Tuesday 3 February 2015


This is a simple but wholesome salad idea. There are many possible variations. The basic plan is to combine:

(a) a sea lettuce with
(b) a land lettuce and
(c) a pasta

In the picture above we have wakame sea lettuce with your standard iceberg lettuce and a wholemeal penne pasta, plus some roasted pine nuts. It's dressed with a simple sesame sauce.

I like the idea of combining a sea lettuce (seaweed) with a land lettuce - in this case iceberg, but you could just as easily use a cos lettuce or a butter lettuce or other lettuces. The combination of land and sea is delightful. It is a good combination by which to introduce people to the idea of eating seaweed. Add this, gently combining, to a pasta base - it could be any pasta of your choice. I think a wholemeal penne works very well. The roasted pine nuts - somewhat understated - add interest and sweetness. You could use other nuts - walnuts, cashews etc. according to your tastes. Dress it as you choose.

It's summer here in Australia. Salad time.

To use wakame: take a small handful of the dried seaweed. Cover in boiling water. Let sit and reconstitute for half an hour. Strain. Wash under cold water. Drain away excess liquid. Ready to use. Wakame sea lettuce is a wonderful ingredient in salad. Sea vegetables, remember, are very alkaline and help combat our otherwise very acidic diets.

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