Wednesday 4 February 2015


This is an easy but delicious recipe adapted from Keith Michell's book Practically Macrobiotic. Keith Michell is an accomplished Australian actor and a long time enthusiast of cuisine macrobiotique, so much so that he was moved to write what is a very fine book about it. I recommend the book. Very comprehensive. I'II review it at a later date. It is full of excellent recipes and practical tips. This is a winning recipe, although after a few attempts I've amended it slightly.


2 cups of cooked brown rice
1 cup of burghul wheat
A small handful of finely chopped basil
Half a cup of chopped broad-leafed parsley
1 cup of bread crumbs
A good pinch of sea salt


Place the burghul in a bowl and just cover with boiling water. Cover the bowl and let stand for half an hour. The wheat should soak up all the water. A common mistake is to use too much water - just enough to cover the wheat is what is required.
Mix the burghul with the cooked rice.
Add the basil, salt and parsley.
With wet hands, mix and shape into croquettes.
Roll in the bread crumbs.
Brush a heavy pan or griddle with oil and saute gently.

The basil and burghul give these croquettes a Mediterranean taste. Serve with other Mediterranean or Middle Eastern dishes. In general burghul goes very well with brown rice in these proportions: one to two.

Best to use wholemeal bread crumbs. These can be difficult to purchase ready-made so you may need to make your own. Failing that, search for a brand free of chemical additives.

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