Monday 25 May 2015


 Lunch on a chilly day. Soba noodles are excellent in the cooler months. Kale thrives in frosty weather, too. This is soba noodles with stir-fried kale and shiitake mushrooms with rice balls, croutons and a daikon radish pickle.

Boil the soba noodles until ready. Stir fry the fresh kale (straight from the garden) along with the sliced mushrooms in a wok with a dribble of sesame oil. Dress with a little sesame sauce. 

Rice balls for all occasions. The rice balls in this case are: brown rice, crumbled fried tempeh, chopped coriander and hijiki seaweed with a wholewheat batter. I use a heavier and more substantial batter in cool weather. The croutons are wholewheat bread cubed and lightly sauted in a little olive oil. 

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